COVID-19 response documents

Resources to support remote sexual healthcare/COVID-19 response


Saunders J, Mapp F, Wayal S, Pothoulaki M, Estcourt C. Response to van Aar et al. Sexually Transmitted Infections, Published on 25 January 2018;

Mapp F, Pothoulaki M, Flowers P, Vojt G, Woode Owusu M, Wayal S, Cassell J, Kanwar T, Patel K, Estcourt C S. Implementation of expedited partner therapy (EPT) interventions for sexually transmitted infections (STIs): a systematic review. PROSPERO 2016:CRD42016051178 Available from

Mercer C H, Jones K G, Johnson A M, Lewis R, Mitchell K R, Gravningen K, Clifton S, Tanton C, Sonnenberg P, Wellings K, Cassell J A, Estcourt C S. How can we objectively categorise partnership type? A novel classification of population survey data to inform epidemiological research and clinical practice. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2016; 0:1-8 doi: 10.1136/sextrans-2016-052646

Conference abstracts

Pothoulaki M, Vojt G, Mapp F, Woode Owusu M, Flowers P, Cassell J A, Mercer C H, Nandwani R, Saunders J, Symonds M, Wayal S, Estcourt C S. The ‘lexicon of love’: Understanding types of relationships as primary contexts of STI transmission. Poster presentation at the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV Annual Conference 18-20th June 2017, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Mapp F, Pothoulaki M, Vojt G, Estcourt C S, Wayal S, Cassell J A, Kanwar K, Patel K, Copas A, Johnson A M, Low N, Mercer C H, Roberts T E, Saunders J, Symonds M, Flowers P. What makes Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT) and Accelerated Partner Therapy (APT) work for partner notification for bacterial STIs? A systematic review of interventions. Poster presentation at the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV Annual Conference 18-20th June 2017, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Vojt G, Smith M, Woode Owusu M, Mapp F, Pothoulaki M, Estcourt C S, Levy N, Valencia M, Ejedenawe O, Dankyi S, Attah S-R, Palermo A, Mercer C H, Saunders J, Symonds M, Wayal S, Flowers P. The Functionality of Dating Applications in Sexual Relationships and Sexual Health. Poster presentation at the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV Annual Conference 18-20th June 2017, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Vojt G , Pothoulaki M, Estcourt C S, Mapp F, Woode Owusu M, Cassell J A, Mercer C H, Nandwani R, Saunders J, Symonds M, Flowers P. How can sexual history taking for sexually transmitted infection partner notification be improved? Poster presentation at the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV Annual Conference 18-20th June 2017, Belfast, Northern Ireland.